Hougen Scholars Program

The Hougen Scholars Program, inaugurated in 2003, is intended explicitly to allow research leaders in the profession to devote time to the development of educational materials. In spring 2003, John Yin was selected as the inaugural Olaf A. Hougen Scholar on the basis of his proposal to develop biologically oriented instructional examples and problems for integration into the chemical and biological engineering curriculum.

Hougen Scholar 2014, Michael Graham, spent spemester working on a book, "Microhydrodynamics, Brownian motion and the Dynamics of Complex Fluids"
Hougen Scholar, Fall 2012, Dan Klingenberg to write "Introductory Transport Phenomena" (Bird, Stewart, Lightfoot, Klingengberg).
Hougen Scholar 2004, Jay Schieber (UW PhD '89) from the Illinois Institute of Technology, returned to Madison to collaborate with Juan de Pablo on a new textbook in thermodynamics.
Hougen Scholar 2003, John Yin

Hougen Fellows Program

Hougen Fellow 2004 , Chistos Maravelias